Media Training Masterfully Conducted
Media Territory Is Unfamiliar
and Unsettling
We are not prepared for the daunting physical environment of a television studio.

We Teach Politicians, Executives, Spokespersons, and Public Figures to Be at Their Best in Media Interviews
They Learn to
- Control nervousness
- Speak with confidence, in a relaxed manner
- Sprinkle humor into the conversation
- Present complex ideas in a simple and accessible way
- Hammer home their key messages
- Use sound bites: catchy, memorable, carefully crafted phrases
- Answer tough questions
- Use the bridging technique to take control of the conversation
- Use appropriate body language, facial expressions, and dress
- Use vocal tones for effect
We Offer Two Courses
Media Training
Trainees learn to convey their messages clearly and powerfully, and feel comfortable in front of the camera.
We also give them tips to improve their public speaking skills, turning them into expert communicators, ready for all kinds of speaking situations.
- Duration: one day
- Format: individually or in a group
Arabic Media Training
Media Training combined with an Arabic refresher course that will brush up your Arabic in no time, expanding your vocabulary and giving you the basics of Arabic grammar in a way that is easy to remember.
We take pride in improving Arabic proficiency significantly, so that participants will be able to speak to Arab media with ease and confidence, in flawless Arabic.
- Duration: 2 days
- Format: individually or in a group